Maple Street Biscuit Company

Maple Street Biscuit Company

Nestled in the corner of the newer shopping complex near Pellissippi State on Hardin Valley Road you will find some of the best biscuits in 37932. Maple Street Biscuit Company is a company unlike any other! After sitting down with Community Leader, Angelica Cruz, she shed some light on ‘who’ Maple Street is and why they are different than any other company.


Maple Street Biscuit Company originated in Jacksonville, Florida in 2012. Their claim is to make more than just a profit, it is to make a difference in the communities that they serve. They operate on four guiding principles: comfort food with a modern twist, gracious service, immaculately clean stores and sustainable business. Their entire business model is to touch the lives of their employees, of their guests who dine with them and to be a place that people want to come back to because they feel valued, important and have a place that feels like home.


Angelica first discovered Maple Street Biscuit Company when she lived in Florida. Angelica simply thought that she was just going to get a biscuit from a restaurant near her job; little did she know that this very company would bless and change her life in so many ways. True to their guiding principles, when Angelica’s health and career were in jeopardy from a shock stroke, the management and employees of Maple Street Biscuit Company stayed by her side through her recovery. They have since moved her to Knoxville and placed her in charge of two locations; our Hardin Valley and the eatery at the base of Sherrill Hill. Having received this extraordinary kindness first hand, Angelica endeavors to be a difference maker in the lives of everyone who steps foot in her restaurants – worker and guest alike.

Maple Street wants to lift Hardin Valley up. They currently serve several churches in the area who rent their space to host events. They also hold fundraising nights and would love to become more involved with groups that might want to hold morning Bible studies, business meetings, and community events. If you need somewhere to gather early morning or post lunch, please don’t hesitate to reach out!


If it’s your first time dining at Maple Street, Angelica recommends the Five and Dime with an over medium egg. She loves to cut it all up and drizzle maple syrup all over the top. Personally, I go with the squeezed on site orange juice and the Ralphie Deluxe. My wife recommends snagging a cup of their maple coffee, which is served on tap. No kidding, it is some of the best coffee she’s ever had! Peruse the full menu here.


Don’t be alarmed if they don’t call out a number or ask for a name for your order. Maple Street is known to ask you a question such as ‘who was your favorite teacher’ and they will call out your order based on your answer. The thought behind this tradition is to get to know people at a deeper level and create conversation and bonds with people inside the restaurant. You never know who might also love your favorite, obscure band!


The most important thing that Angelica would want people to know, “It doesn’t matter who you are, where you come from, or what’s going on. Everyone has a safe place here at Maple Street.” is a community resource provided by Adam Wilson Realty (865.622.5171) to promote positive news about the individuals and businesses that make up our zip code. Our guiding principle for is:

We’ve found that people are just too busy to explore our community, so we made it easy to introduce them to the public service heroes, restaurants and businesses that are specific to Hardin Valley so that they can proudly live, eat and shop local.

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